Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of service

The goods subject to these general terms and conditions are offered for sale by AGRICENTER SPITALER S.R.L., C.F. and P. IVA 01438510214, with headquarters in Italy-39057, Appiano,Via Pillhof 31, hereinafter also referred to only as "Agricenter Spitaler"

Acceptance of the general conditions of sale

Before proceeding with the purchase of Products marketed by Agricenter Spitaler, in accordance with the terms set forth in these general conditions and indicated on the website www.agricenterspitaler.com, the customer expressly declares that he/she has carefully read and fully accepted the contents of these general conditions as well as having read any indication given during the purchase procedure.

Agricenter Spitaler invites you to keep a copy of these general conditions for ready reference.

It should be noted that these general conditions of sale form an integral part of any purchase order and contract for the sale and purchase of products marketed by Agricenter Spitaler at www.lerava.com, in force on the date of the relevant order.

Article 1 - Definitions

The term "general conditions" means this document.

The term "customer" generically means the person, whether consumer or professional, who makes a purchase of products marketed by Agricenter Spitaler according to the indications on the website and in the general conditions.

The term "products" means all products marketed by Agricenter Spitaler on the website www.lerava.com, and forming part of its assortment.

The term "website" means the set of web pages accessible by typing the U.R.L. " www.lerava.com".

The term "purchase order" means the customer's order (containing details of the chosen products) that is generated by the system following confirmation of payment. The term "contract of sale" means the sales contract finalized between the customer and Agricenter Spitaler with the purchase order confirmed by Agricenter Spitaler following the payment (successful) of the specified amount.

Article 2 - Method of entering into the contract

The customer may purchase the products as illustrated in the information sheets on the pages of the Site. The customer, by carrying out the purchase procedure indicated on the Site, will be able to choose the products he/she is interested in, check the total value of the products he/she intends to purchase, including delivery charges.

The purchase order, once finalized with payment, can neither be modified nor cancelled.

All purchase orders must be exactly filled out in every part and must contain the exact identification of the products ordered, the customer and the place of delivery of the products.

The purchase order counts as the customer's contractual proposal manifested online.

The order confirmation from Agricenter Spitaler, sent to the customer at the 'e-mail address provided by the customer, confirms the order data and counts as acceptance of contractual proposal.

Order confirmation by Agricenter Spitaler will occur only after payment for the products specified in the purchase order.

The contract shall be deemed concluded and binding on both parties at the time the purchase order confirmation is sent to the customer.

The order confirmation will contain a summary of the order, in which the details of the order, the price of the good(s) purchased, the shipping costs and any additional ancillary charges, the address where the product will be delivered, the type of delivery chosen by the customer. Agricenter Spitaler reserves, in any case, the right to reject the purchase proposal sent, by way of example and not exhaustive in the following cases: provision of incorrect and/or not real master data, previous default (for any reason) and / or delay in fulfillment towards Agricenter Spitaler, lack of availability of the products and / or part of them- for any reason - in the warehouses, subject to bankruptcy proceedings, and in any other case incompatible with the economic interests and company policies.

Article 3 - Methods of payment and reimbursement

Any payment by the customer may be made by Credit card (coming exclusively from the visa and mastercard circuits), prepaid credit cards, pay pal, bank transfer.

With credit card payment, no surcharge will be charged.

With the input of credit card information, payment is immediately made with simultaneous charge to the credit card in the manner provided by the credit card provider.

Should the banking institution notify Agricenter Spitaler of any irregularity regarding the credit card used, the latter will proceed with the cancellation of the order.

Any refund to the customer will be credited by one of the methods in use by Agricenter Spitaler fingers.

If the refund is made by bank transfer, the same may be finalized only where the holder of the account will be the same person who made the Purchase order.

In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal by the customer, Agricenter Spitaler will credit the refund in a reasonable period of time from the date on which the latter became aware of the withdrawal itself. In the event that the right of withdrawal is exercised, Agricenter Spitaler will not be obliged to reimburse additional costs, if the customer has expressly chosen a different and more onerous type of delivery to the standard one proposed by Agricenter Spitaler.

Agricenter Spitaler reserves in any case, the right to withhold the refund until it has received the goods and verified the state of integrity of the same.

Article 4 - Time and mode of delivery

Agricenter Spitaler will deliver to the customer the products, selected and ordered in the manner set out in the order confirmation, by couriers and / or forwarding agents of confidence.

The different methods, times and costs of shipping will be clearly indicated on the website at the time of purchase.

The delivery times indicated on the website at the time of purchase will be purely indicative.

The moment the products ordered and fully paid for by the customer are available for delivery, the customer will be contacted directly by the shipper to agree on the actual day and time slot when he/she can receive the ordered product. Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the customer at the end of the purchase process on the website.

The customer, when completing the purchase order on the website, agrees to verify that the information present is correct and complete.

Delivery will reflect the characteristics of the type chosen at the time of purchase.

Any impediment and / or special conditions related to access routes to the address indicated that would prevent or make less easy the delivery itself, must be communicated by the customer. It should be noted that in pedestrian areas, delivery will take place up to the point where the vehicle will have accessibility.

The fiscal documentation (invoice) is published, as of the date of shipment of the product, in the area of the website reserved for the customer that the same can access using their login credentials and will be sent to the email address indicated by the customer, only upon request.

Regarding the delivery document (delivery note and/or ddt) the same will be issued by Agricenter Spitaler, and will be signed by the customer at the time of delivery.

Upon delivery of the product(s), the customer is required to check that the number of packages being delivered corresponds to what is indicated on the courier's accompanying document, and that the packaging is intact, undamaged, neither wet nor altered.

Once signed the courier's transport document, the customer can no longer make any objection about the quantity and quality of what was received. The customer may always check the status of the purchase order via the website in the "my account" area or by contacting customer service by email at " info@lerava.com".

Article 5 - Prices

All sales prices of the products shown within the website are in euros and include VAT.

Shipping costs and additional charges, if any, are indicated and calculated in the purchase procedure and clearly specified in the purchase order and order confirmation.

Article 6 - Liability

Agricenter Spitaler, assumes no liability for inefficiencies attributable to force majeure and / or fortuitous event, even where dependent on malfunctions and failures of the internet, in the event that it fails to execute the order in the time provided by the contract.

The description on the website of each item is only as an indication, has no contractual character and Agricenter Spitaler, cannot be attributed responsibility in case of unavailability of one or more products.

Agricenter Spitaler, will also not be responsible for damages, losses and costs incurred by the customer as a result of the non-execution of the contract for reasons not attributable to him, having the customer only the right to a full refund of the price paid and any ancillary charges incurred.

Article 7 - Right of withdrawal

The customer has in any case the right to withdraw from the contract concluded on the website , without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days, starting from the day of receipt of the product(s) purchased. The right of withdrawal may apply to all or only part of the purchased product(s).

For the purpose of exercising the right of withdrawal, the customer may return the product(s), purchased online, to our store "AGRICENTER SPITALER S.R.L.", C.F. and P. IVA 01438510214, located in Italy-39057, Appiano, via Pillhof 31, provided that within 14 days from the date of delivery of the product(s). In this case, he/she must come to the store with a copy of the purchase invoice and the undamaged product(s).

It should be noted that the shipment of the product(s) must take place no later than 30 days after the completion of the request for return via the web; following the request will be provided to the customer an identification code of the return (case number) that must always be communicated to the courier chosen for the return of the good(s), so that it can always indicate it in the delivery receipt.

The refund of the purchase price of the Product subject to return, will be credited to the person who finalized the order, by one of the methods in use at Agricenter Spitaler in a reasonable period, and only after the positive outcome of the control of the product received.

Article 8- Methods of archiving the contract

Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (code regarding the protection of personal data) Agricenter Spitaler informs the customer that each order sent is stored in digital form on the server owned by Agricenter Spitaler S.R.L. according to criteria of confidentiality and security and that the processing of personal data provided is aimed exclusively at the provision of the requested service and any consequent fulfillment of legal, tax and accounting obligations. For the management of the request, the customer's data may also be communicated to external parties who carry out activities related and functional to the operation of the service ( by way of example but not limited to: management of the computer and telematics system).

Article 9 - Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These general conditions of sale are subject to Italian law. Any dispute that does not find an amicable solution will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of bolzano.Alternatively, the customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by giving notice to Agricenter Spitaler, through the completion of the form on the website www.lerava.com", expressly stating "exercise of the right of withdrawal" as the reason.

Alternatively, the customer may also send a written notice of withdrawal, by postal service, again within 14 days of delivery of the goods, to AGRICENTER SPITALER S.R.L.", C.F. and P. IVA 01438510214, with registered office in Italy-39057, Appiano, via Pillhof 31, , specifying the desire to withdraw from the purchase and the product(s) for which he intends to exercise the right of withdrawal.

The return of the product must in any case take place within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the confirmation that Agricenter Spitaler will give following the communication of the decision to withdraw from the contract and must be made to the address that will be specified to the Customer or at our headquarters in Italy AGRICENTER SPITALER S.R.L.", C.F. and P. IVA 01438510214, Italia-39057, Appiano,via Pillhof 31. In case of shipment, the date of delivery to the post office or courier will be deemed authentic between the parties.

In any case, in order to be entitled to a full refund of the price paid for the purchase of the product(s), the product(s) must be returned intact and, in any case, in normal condition, packed in the original packaging and complete with all accessories, instruction manuals and everything originally contained in the original packaging.

The cost of returning the product is the sole responsibility of the customer.

The customer will have the option of receiving, upon return, a refundable purchase voucher valid for 6 months.

In order to allow the proper processing of the online return request, the customer must comply with the terms and conditions of acceptance of the request communicated by email from Agricenter Spitaler.